Pandemic Peregrinations: My Birthday On The Scar, Cumbria, Spring

The limestone ridges on the cliff face of Scout Scar.

Today is my 37th birthday.

Honestly, after everything I’ve been through, I’m happy to have made it to my late-30s.

Today was another, yes, glorious spring day, with temperatures pushing 20°C, barely any wind, and nary a cloud in t’sky. We took our new favourite route up to an old friend of ours: Scout Scar. After wandering around the cliff edge of the scar, we took the longer route back home, trekking along Cunswick Scar, through Boundary Bank, and down past Kendal Fell Quarry to home.

All in all, from the front door and back, about 6.5 miles or 16,000 steps.

Happy birthday to me!

“With no standing water, poor soils, and lack of nutrients, scattered trees grow stunted amongst rafts of limestone clitter…”

Life finds a way, even in the broken crags of a limestone cliff.

One or two walkers enjoy their Government Permitted Outdoor Exercise. In the distance, on the right, you can just make out The Mushroom, a shelter that sits at the summit of Scout Scar.

My lovely Lisabet, no doubt nervously watching me as I frame this composition along the edge of Scout Scar.

I love how Scout Scar just suddenly drops into the Lyth Valley, as if a giant had cut a chunk of land off.

In the distance, the Kentmere and Longsleddale Fells, otherwise known to Wainwright followers as the Far Eastern Fells.

The way back home.


Pandemic Peregrinations: Unnamed Woods, Kendal, Cumbria, Spring


Retro Reworking: Watlowes Dry Valley, Yorkshire Dales, Winter 2017