Dalton Crags, Cumbria, Winter

Before the current cold snap arrived, Christmas was looking rather wet and miserable.

So on post-Boxing Day (is that a thing?) Lisabet and I decided to throw caution to the wind and attempt a hike up and around Dalton Crags.

You can find Dalton Crags and its woodland near Hutton Roof Crags, an isolated limestone hill comprising a large portion of Britain’s limestone pavement. Dalton Crags features its own limestone pavement amongst the ancient woodland and new plantations.

We wandered around the crags shooting photos before venturing up higher towards Hutton Roof Crags. Unfortunately, the weather decided to start hailing on us, which was rather painful, so we made a hasty retreat back into the woodland of Dalton Crags.

All photos shot on my Fujifilm X-T2 using both my Samyang 35mm f/1.2 and Laowa 9mm f/2.8 lenses. Developed with RNI’s Kodachrome film profile.

Before we arrived at Dalton Crags we stopped at Beetham Nurseries for a brew, waiting for the squalls to pass. This beautiful Robin was rather brave and inquisitive.

Limestone boulders, covered in lichen and moss, cover the forest floor around Dalton Crags.

I had fun making compositions of this tree surrounded by the clints and grikes of Dalton Crag’s limestone pavements.

Life… finds a way…

More interesting lines and shapes in this composition.

A more abstract composition in a bleak setting. Proper British winter.

The main limestone crags of Dalton Crags, with an ancient woodland growing out the top of it.

A Lisabet for scale.


Pandemic Peregrinations: Helsfell Nab, Kendal, Cumbria, Winter


Latrigg, Lake District, Winter