Walla Crag, Lake District, Autumn

Autumn has arrived.

The “life” from all the verdant vegetation is starting to wane, the ferns are turning rust-hued, and the leaves are beginning to drop. Autumn’s here, and I cannot wait for those autumnal colours.

Whilst we wait, we decided today on a venture up a relatively small fell that we’ve never tried before: Walla Crag (379 m/1,243 ft).

At “only” 379 m tall it’s definitely one of the smaller fells, especially when compared to some of the giants in the area such as Skiddaw (931 m/3,054 ft) and Blencathra (868 m/2,848 ft). Nevertheless, what it lacks in height it makes up for in the jaw-dropping views it offers from its summit.

All photos shot on my Fujifilm X-T2 using my three prime lenses: a Samyang 35mm f/1.2, a Laowa 9mm f/2.8, and an adapted Pentax SMC 55mm f/2.0. Developed using RNI Films’ Kodak Ektar 100 profile.

Not far along the trail and already the views really open up. A couple enjoy a picnic in the sun with the backdrop of the Helvellyn fells behind them.

A row of Roman trees, Sorbus aucuparia, filled with their fruit frame the trail looking back to Blencathra in the distance.

The trail starts rising, offering up views looking back towards the likes of Lonscale Fell (715 m/2,346 ft).

By now the full profile of Skiddaw, its fells, and the smooth profile of Latrigg are fully exposed. It’s turning out to be a crackin’ day.

Plenty of other fell walkers were making their way up and down the trail. To the left in the distance is the magnificent slopes and peaks of Blencathra.

Skiddaw’s multi-peak shape looms of the bonny town of Keswick.

Skiddaw’s multi-peak shape looms of the bonny town of Keswick.

On our way up, the views towards the Derwentwater Fells, too, soon open up and our sense of anticipation grows.

Rowan trees and their vivid berries frame the Derwentwater fells on a somewhat hazy day.

Another lovely aspect to Walla Crag’s environment is the sheer abundance of pink heather everywhere.

The water level at Derwentwater is ridiculously low. New gravelly islands are reappearing and existing ones are gaining new shores.

It soon becomes apparent how much of a drop there is from Walla Crag’s northwestern face.

As more sun comes out, I spot another framing opportunity full of colour.

Looking back at the cliff-edge trail we followed. The amount of heather around Walla Crag is ludicrous.

Like, so much heather…

Aaaand… summit! Plenty of other folk enjoying the views from Walla Crag summit too. We stop for a quick bite and some water, taking the panorama in.

My ultra-wide 9mm lens was able to take in the vast panorama available from the summit of Walla Crag. One of the best views in the whole of the Lake District.

With my 55mm attached, it was time to pick out some smaller scenes amongst the vast panorama. The hazy conditions allowed for a wonderful layering affect with Derwentwater Fells.

Mighty Skiddaw looming above Keswick.

After taking everything in, it was time to follow the trail back down from the summit towards the main path off Walla Crag, with heather still in abundance.

Looking across the moorland and ferns, deep into the Jaws of Borrowdale.

Fellow hikers branch off from the path to take in the views towards the Helvellyn range, and Clough Head (726 m/2,382 ft) in particular.

Seemingly endless layers of fells in Borrowdale.

On the way back down off the fell, I spot this tree and arrange it underneath the peaks of Blencathra.

Magnificent Blencathra, demanding our constant attention as we climb off the shoulders of Walla Crag.

This is Armillaria mellea, or honey fungus. Apparently highly revered for its edible qualities, though a lot of UK species react with alcohol badly in people’s bodies causing nausea and vomiting. It’s generally best to parboil these mushrooms, and not consume alcohol for a day before and after eating them.

Follow other hikers along the trail back down to the car. The haze appears to lift somewhat around the Helvellyn fells.

The Helvellyn range above, with High Rigg and Low Rigg below.

Another fantastic day.


Singleton Park, Cumbria, Autumn


Howgills, Yorkshire Dales, Summer