Grasmere Sports & Show, Lake District, Summer

Back for the first time in 2 years.

Time for something rather different from me.

If you’re a long-time follower of my blog or work (hello, and thank you!) you’ll know I’m mostly about the landscapes, nature, architecture, and travel.

This weekend, however, we were given the opportunity to attend the Grasmere Sports & Show event. Lisabet’s work place sponsored the event and had free tickets going, which we gladly took. We also met up with me Dad there and made a day of it.

The Annual Grasmere Lakeland Sports event has been a regular annual affair since 1868, unbroken save for the two World Wars and, more recently, the COVID-19 global pandemic.

It hosts traditional Cumberland Wrestling, for a variety of age brackets, fell running, hound trailing, and loads more. A true celebration of traditional Lake District sports.

In addition, there are dog shows—for pros and amateurs alike—bands, a beer tent, and loads of stalls hosting street food, artisans, and charitable organisations.

It was a beautiful summer’s day, and everyone seemed happy to be back at one of the Lake District’s most eagerly anticipated calendar events.

All photos were shot on my Fujifilm X-T2 using my Vivitar “Series 1” 28–105mm f2.8–3.8 zoom lens. RAW files converted in Capture One for iPad then developed in RNI Films.

A grand summer’s day was afoot for the event.

Fat Cat Brass kicked off the show with a variety of tunes, old and new.

The show’s setting in Grasmere is spectacular, especially on a glorious summer’s day.

Falconry & Cumberland Wrestling

The Ridgeside Falconry display was excellent. Kids were challenged to come onto the field and make a tunnel with their arms.

A hawk or eagle, can’t remember which, would then fly through the tunnel to nab some food.

A Turkey Vulture (Cathartes aura), incredible creature.

Next up was the Under 10s Cumberland Wrestling.

The lass in the proper wrestling costume was so good. She’d go on to win Silver.

The starting backhold position involves the wrestlers standing chest to chest, grasping each other around the body with their chins on their opponent's right shoulder. The right arm of each contestant is positioned under his opponent's left arm.

Once the grip is taken the umpire gives the signal to start the contest by calling "en guard", then "wrestle".

The wrestlers attempt to unbalance their opponent, or make them lose their hold. If any part of a wrestler's body touches the ground aside from their feet then they lose.

Manoeuvres include lifting throws known as "hipes", twisting throws such as "buttocks" and trips like the inside click, cross click, back heel or outside stroke.

If both wrestlers fall down at once the last to hit the ground is deemed the winner. If it’s unclear who hit the ground first the fall is disqualified and must be started again. This is known as a "dog fall".

A win can also be achieved if either wrestler loses their grip on the other while the opponent still retains their hold.

Another lass in the wrestling costume. She had a true fighter’s spirit, so determined.

Smaller than most she faced, but more than made up for it with technique and determination.

Limbs flying akimbo.

Mohawk lad put up a good fight, but he was facing the ultimate winner of the tournament.

Quite proud of nabbing this shot.

These kids will only get better and better.

From the same wrestling club, now facing each other in the ring.

A semi-final bout.

There were a few hard falls taken by various wrestlers. All handled it well.

The bout for 3rd and 4th place. Little lass takes a fall on her bonce.

Nevertheless, she gets back up…

…and wins Bronze with this fall.

The bout for gold and silver. Two at the top of their game.

Ultimately, the young lad takes Gold after a hard-fought bout.

The winner.

The podium for the Under 10s.

We stayed for a few more bouts in the Up To 12s category.

Quite a few hang gliders were enjoying the sights above Grasmere.

The Dog Show

The Dog Show! Starting with the pups. Warning: adorable dogs ahead.

One of my favourite shots of the day.

Plenty to entertain the kids and the young-at-heart alike.

We rested up on a bank for a spot of lunch, taking in the atmosphere of the event.

Classic cars on show. Me Dad will be able to tell you what these are.

It was good to do something different.

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