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Under Loughrigg, Lake District, Winter

A brief respite amongst all the rain.

A brief respite amongst all the rain.

Despite the weather, this week has been as busy as ever. A large part of that is simply that it’s half-term for schools. Still, we figured people would be starting to head back home, so the Lake District wouldn’t be as busy.


Our planned circuit of Grasmere was foiled due to every car park being full. Every. One.

So, change of plan. We managed to park further towards Ambleside, right next to the cricket ground, and instead do a small circuit around the Under Loughrigg area in between Ambleside and Rydal.

Still proper bonny. And, happily, signs of spring are starting to appear.

All photos taken on my Sony α7ii using my Pentax SMC 28mm F3.5 and Pentax SMC 55mm f2.0 prime lenses, plus Vivitar “Series 1” 70–210mm f2.8–4.0 zoom lens. RAWs developed in Lightroom, edited and finalised in Photoshop.

On the A591 between Ambleside and Rydal, one can enjoy formidable views towards Nab Scar (455 m/1,493 ft).


The flat pasture land in between Loughrigg Fell and the A591 allows for extensive views across to the surrounding fells. There were also plenty of signs of storm damage, with fallen trees and split trunks everywhere. In this case, it allowed for a nice composition towards a highlighted Low Pike (508 m/1,667 ft).


I cropped in tightly for this composition at 210mm to grab these Swaledale ewes milling around a beautiful crag, and subtle hints of the wall of Nab Scar in the background.

A surviving Scots Pine makes for a dramatic composition with the Kirkstone fells in dark shadow behind.

One of the Lake District’s well-known views, often causing sudden brakes by drivers on the A591. Looking towards Rydal, with the Kirkstone fells catching a sweeping lightbeam.

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Ambleside, Lake District, Winter

Temperatures have plunged.

Temperatures have plunged.

The nigh persistent rain of November and December has given way to a sub-zero climate and clearer conditions. Much better.

With a bright Saturday forecast, Lisabet and I ventured into the heart of the Lake District and major tourist hotspot, Ambleside. We wanted to do two walks: one, a small circular of Stock Ghyll Force, the other bigger hike up to High Sweden Bridge.

Despite being in the middle of a blisteringly cold winter in the Lake District, Ambleside was as busy as ever. This town never gets any rest.

All photos taken on my Sony α7ii using my SMC Pentax-M 28mm F3.5 and SMC Pentax-M 55mm f2.0 prime lenses, plus my Vivitar “Series 1” 70–210mm f2.8–4.0 zoom. RAWs developed in Lightroom, edited in Photoshop.

A misty shot from the top of Stock Ghyll Force. Made by stacking five landscape 28mm shots, top to bottom, for a wider field of view.

The classic view of Stock Ghyll Force, currently in its more barren winter finery.

After stopping for delicious hot brews at Force Cafe, we followed the trail back down to the town. By the side of the road, this still life-esque scene revealed itself to me, and so quickly I quickly nabbed a composition.

From the town centre, it’s easy enough to find the route to the High Sweden Bridge trail. Given the direction of the low sun, we opted instead to take the trail anti-clockwise, which we’ve never done before, to get more side light.


The old packhorse bridge itself, with my Lisabet providing a nice colour contrast as she strolls across it. As I’ve mentioned on this site elsewhere, the name “High Sweden Bridge” might seem unusual, given this is located in the Lake District, England. The “sweden” aspect originally comes from the Old Norse sviðin (pronounced “swee-thin”), the past participle of svíða, meaning “to burn” or “to singe”. In this context, it refers to the clearing of land by burning.


Looking up Scandale, admiring the light beams scanning across the face of High Pike (656 m/2,152 ft).

Heading back down the higher eastern side of the Scandale valley, I equipped my 70–210mm lens for some tight and distant compositions. Fully zoomed in, I was able to pick out the mist clearing from the summits of the Langdale Pikes, on the right, and Bowfell on the left.

My 70–210mm also has a macro mode, which I used to try and capture these beautiful and tiny Cladonia pyxidata lichen.

Lake District sheep get all the best views.

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Stockghyll, Lake District, Summer

Lots of rain means one thing: waterfalls.

Loads of rain means one thing: waterfalls.

Though certainly not as numerous or epic as in the Yorkshire Dales, the Lake District is still home to some lovely waterfalls.

Certainly one of the more accessible, yet grand, waterfalls is Stockghyll Force in Ambleside. We last hiked around here in June 2020, just as the UK’s COVID-19 lockdown was starting to ease off. Ambleside, usually one of the busiest honeypots in all the Lake District, was eerily quiet on that visit.

Things were very much back to normal this time. Lots of people about, sipping pints in pubs, chatting over coffee and cake with friends, and hiking in and around the town.

And all the rain we’ve had in July has meant that Stockghyll Force should be in full flow. Boy did she look good.

All photos taken on my Sony α7ii using my Sony FE 28–70mm f3.5–5.6 OSS zoom lens. RAW files were corrected in Lightroom, developed using RNI Films’ Kodachrome film profiles, and finalised again in Lightroom.

From the car park opposite the Log House, we elected for the back roads towards the waterfall, rather than trekking alongside the main road. It gave us lovely, almost timeless, scenes like this.

Soon enough we exited the town centre, hiked up the road alongside the beck, and head into the woodland surrounding the waterfall. A lovely little weir, bathed in sunlight, made for a nice composition.

Further into the woods, a small beck flows underneath this delightful little bridge.

At the main waterfall itself, I perched myself and the tripod gingerly on a crag above the main drop, seeking a composition looking all the way down the falls to the gorge below.

The upper part of Stockghyll Force, surrounded by jagged, mossy crags and lush verdant vegetation everywhere.

After leaving one side of the trail, we took a lunch break at a new cafe that’s recently opened not 30 m away from the waterfall. Force Cafe. Delicious food and drink, and absolutely stunning views from their open terrace.

Heading back down the other side of the trail, the classic view of Stockghyll Force emerges and I cannot resist.

However, just a little further down the trail, I think the best view of Stockghyll Force can be obtained.

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Rydal Water, Lake District, Spring

The Lake District is known for many things.

The Lake District is known for many things.

Its lakes, of course. The fells. All the valleys. But also William Wordsworth, who was born in Cockermouth and called the Lake District home for much of his life. It was in the Lake District, wandering along the shores of Ullswater, that Wordsworth took inspiration from the plethora of daffodils along the lake’s shoreline, which ultimately resulted in his most famous poem, “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud”.

Conscious that the end of daffodil season was approaching, Lisabet and I embarked on a wee circuit around Rydal Water, which I knew to be home to plenty of daffodils. It did not disappoint. Spring is here.

On a separate note, this is also the last set of images taken on my trusty Fujifilm X-T2. With my 40th birthday fast approaching, my Dad did the unthinkable and got me a friggin’ camera for my birthday! A Sony α7ii. Full-frame goodness, here we go.

These photos were taken on my Fujifilm X-T2 using my Vivitar “Series 1” 28–105mm f2.8–3.8 zoom and Laowa 9mm f2.8 prime lenses. RAWs developed in Capture One for iPad, then edited and finalised in Affinity Photo 2 for iPad.


Around Rydal Water there are plenty of areas to choose from when it comes to picking out daffodils for compositions. After one failed attempt behind a bench where I went slip-sliding in the mud, I found this wee clump of yellow beauties and lined up a photo.

Lovely golden light slithers across the rolling fields and the Grasmere fells above.

Below Loughrigg Terrace, a dilapidated barn provides a nice subject looking back to the Ambleside fells.

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High Sweden Bridge, Lake District, Spring

It was nice to get a bit of altitude.

It was nice to get a bit of altitude.

I think the last time we hiked the High Sweden Bridge circular was back in June of 2020, just as the UK was starting to come out of the first COVID-19 Lockdown. Wow. Time flies, eh?

With this weekend due to continue its favourable weather conditions, we followed Saturday’s hike around Brough Castle with a longer, more strenuous hike up to High Sweden Bridge in Scandale, above Ambleside. I tell you something: it was so good to finally see the Lakeland fells clearly.

All photos shot on my Fujifilm X-T2 using my Fujinon 23mm f/2.0 and my adapted Pentax SMC 55mm f/2.0 prime lenses. Images developed in RNI Films’ Velvia 100F film profile.

On this occasion we elected to park at one of the free lay-bys before you get into Ambleside proper. This would give us a few extra 1,000 steps or so.

Wansfell Pike (486.9 m/1,597 ft) above Ambleside, clear as a bell in the beautiful light.

We soon found the steep lane that climbs up into Scandale, and the views quickly improved from “This is pretty” to “Bloody hell!”

On the way up, a cute little Robin (Erithacus rubecula) made its presence known to us atop a drystone wall. Didn’t fly or away or anything. Happy to chill and let us take photos.

Soon, High Pike came into our sight, lit up like a beacon in the spring Lake District sun.

Higher and higher the trail went. Astonishingly clear views towards Rydal Water, Loughrigg, Silver How, and the Langdale Fells were enjoyed.

My lovely Lisabet, perched on the ancient packhorse bridge known as High Sweden Bridge.

After crossing High Sweden Bridge, it was time to ascend up the Scandale fell side in order to find the ridge that let back down into Ambleside.

The full extent of Scandale opened up before us. On the eastern side of the valley, a minor footpath continues up the valley to link with Scandale Pass, which takes you onto Kirkstone Pass should you so wish.

When crossing the stile, I paused at the summit of the climb to snap this obvious composition of the drystone wall leading all the way to High Pike.

The Coniston fells come back into view after finding the open ridge back down into Ambleside.

The wonderfully craggy profile of the Langdale Pikes, Bowfell, and Crinkle Crags.

A minor sheep track branches off the main trail, heading towards Nab Scar. The skyline of the fells is impossible to resist a photo.

One last peek at the Langdale Pikes before we drop down the fellside into Ambleside.

The long ridge of Wetherlam sinks beneath the bulk of Loughrigg as we descend.

What a fantastic and bizarre looking tree.

Near Low Sweden Bridge, a flock of young Kendal Rough Fells peacefully graze on the new grass.

What a crackin’ day.

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day hikes Ian Cylkowski day hikes Ian Cylkowski

Stock Ghyll Force, Lake District, Summer

We’re doing lots of rain dodging at the moment.


We’re doing lots of rain dodging at the moment.

But that’s OK, because lots of rain means thunderous waterfalls.

Lisabet and I decided to head straight out after work for a hike around Stock Ghyll Force in Ambleside, before the rain arrived. We timed it well. Five minutes after getting back in the car to head home, the heavens opened and our car was washed.

Stocky Ghyll begins life where Kirkstone Pass meets The Struggle. It’s here that Snow Cove Gill and Grove Gill combine below Kirkstone Pass and head southwest towards Ambleside. Just outside the town Stock Ghyll splits into two (or three, if it’s been raining heavily), drops 70ft down Stock Ghyll Force and merges together again at the bottom of the falls before draining into Ambleside.

Photos shot on a Fujifilm X-T2 with a 16–50mm f/3.5–5.6 lens using a customised Velvia film simulation.

Stock Ghyll Lane, the road towards the falls, with some lovely soft light.


The day was wonderfully overcast, lending some beautiful pockets of highlighting at various points in the ravine of Stock Ghyll Force.


The upper part of Stock Ghyll Force. This composition was made from 5 shots at 16mm (24mm full-frame equivalent), stitched together from top to bottom.

Just above the falls Stock Ghyll cuts a deep groove before dropping 70ft as Stock Ghyll Force. My lovely Lisabet providing a sense of scale here.

One of the more popular and accessible views of Stock Ghyll Force. It’s classical profile is in view here, showing two falls becoming one, but after enough rain there’s usually a 3rd waterfall to the left. You can just make out its trickle here.

A less-visited view of Stock Ghyll Force, with some soft light breaking through the canopy.

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