day hikes Ian Cylkowski day hikes Ian Cylkowski

Sedbergh, Yorkshire Dales, Summer

It’s summer! Y’know what that means? Wild flower meadows.

It’s summer! Y’know what that means? Wild flower meadows.

We’re rather fortunate to live where we do, sandwiched between abundant nature. You can take your pick of beautiful places to see wildflower summer meadows. A particular favourite is Swaledale in the Yorkshire Dales.

But I can also recommend the Sedbergh meadows underneath the Howgills.

We usually start this hike from Sedbergh town itself, but this time we started from Straight Bridge, walking away rather than into the sun.

Sedbergh is pretty enough anyway, but in the summer it becomes positively idyllic. And the meadows around the town were filled with wildflowers.

All photos taken on my Sony α7ii using my Sony 24-240mm F3.5-6.3 OSS zoom and Rokinon 14mm f2.8 ED AS IF UMC prime lenses. RAWs developed in Lightroom, edited in Photomatix and Photoshop.

Following the path alongside the River Rawthey, a beautiful field full of buttercups stopped us in our tracks.

So did these mushrooms. These are possibly Dryad’s Saddle, or Cerioporus squamosus.

A Kendal Rough Fell yow enjoying the summer sun in the meadows.

A pair of geese, following each other around the fields.

New Bridge, which is quite a funny name given that it was built in the 1700s. A lush scene framing this gorgeous structure.

There’s plenty of horses about at the moment as travellers make their way to the Appleby Horse Fair. One particularly shaggy fella posed for me in a field full of flowers, and I couldn’t say no.

After a brief pit stop and refreshment in Sedbergh town, we continued the hike. The trail circumnavigates Castlehaw and climbs up the hillside underneath the Howgills. A very dry Settlebeck Gill provides a leading line in between these gnarly old trees.

Out into the open, fields full of flowers surrounded us. Passing clouds temporarily darkened the summit of Knott, whilst sheep and their lambs happily graze on the meadows below.

Further along the trail, a field of curious bullocks idly stare at us as we made our way towards Ghyll Farm.

Just before you reach Ghyll Farm the trail narrows into a beautiful little lane, surrounded by hedgerows and old trees. It created a natural frame that I made a composition of.

Beyond Ghyll Farm, you continue southeast towards Stone Hall, a Grade II* listed building. Formerly a farmhouse, it dates from 1695.

Between Stone Hall and Ellerthwaite, the wildflower meadows just got better and better. One particular field was absolutely chock full of them. I nabbed a shot of Lisabet admiring the buttercup fields, a timeless scene.

We spotted this old tree, host to a load of bracket fungi, so I equipped my ultra-wide lens in order to make a composition of the tree, the fungi, the buttercup meadow and the Howgills. Success!

The cloud cover was beginning to thicken, but pockets of sun still broke through. A distant scene looking south towards the Dent fells made me zoom right in.

At Ellerthwaite we came across this magnificent field full of buttercups. I spotted these tracks winding through the field and waited for the sun to burst through, illuminating the field whilst the distant hills darkened under the clouds.

Beyond Buckbank the trail follows the trees above the River Rawthey back to Straight Bridge. Another beautiful meadow lined with farm tracks, with Lisabet ahead, gave me my final composition.

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day hikes Ian Cylkowski day hikes Ian Cylkowski

Cunswick Scar, Cumbria, Winter

The first snow of the season has arrived.

The first snow of the season has arrived.

Fortunately—living where I do—there are plenty of quick routes one can take from the town centre to ascend some nearby hills and check out the expansive wintery views.

The Lake District fells? Howgills? Barbondale fells?

They did not disappoint.

Atmosphere was clean and clear. You could almost reach out and touch the mountains.

All photos taken on my Fujifilm X-T2 using my Vivitar “Series 1” 28–105mm f2.8–3.8 zoom lens. Shot using the Classic Chrome film simulation, edited in Capture One for iPad and finalised in Affinity Photo 2 for iPad.

We’ve had a week of sub-zero temperatures, resulting in snow. It’s also largely been dry and completely clear, so it was no wonder lots of other people (and their furry friends) were out and about enjoying the views.

My lovely Lisabet, enjoying the beautiful light and atmosphere of the Kentmere fells.

For others, the outdoors are best enjoyed whilst exercising.

Up on the summit of Cunswick Scar, the Coniston Fells positively glow with snow.

Zooming out to capture the entire expanse of the Lake District fells. Not all of it covered in snow as of yet.

However, looking towards the Howgills… wow. Clouds washing over them like a waterfall. Glorious light, highlighting the beautiful contours of the Howgills.

Navigating the steep path around Helsfell Nab towards these barns was… tricky. A popular trail means compacted snow that became frozen over and over again.

Only about 1pm at this point, but already the sun was setting and drenching the land in warm winter light.

Back down to the beautiful Auld Grey Town.

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day hikes Ian Cylkowski day hikes Ian Cylkowski

Bowderdale, Howgills, Cumbria, Summer

Today required… flexibility.

Today required… flexibility.

My initial plan for the day was to get up early and head to Kentmere for a lovely walk around the valley and its fells. It’s usually a trial to access Kentmere; the road to it from Staveley is long and narrow with few passing places. Then, once you’re at Kentmere, the only place to park is outside the church, fit for maybe 4–5 cars.

Welp, after an interesting challenge driving the narrow road all the way to Kentmere—dodging and manoeuvring past cars and tractors—I arrived at the church to find it completely full of cars.

At 9 o’clock in the morning on a work day.

So that scuppered those plans. What to do instead? I contemplated trying for Longsleddale instead, but that’s an even longer valley with a narrow one-in-one-out road.

I realised that we’ve reached the time of year where the Lake District is always going to be busy, no matter where you go or when. So instead I navigated back to Kendal and took the A685 towards the Howgills. As I was approaching them, thinking of where to explore, I remembered the Bowderdale valley in the northern Howgills. It’s been a long time since I walked in that valley; time to revisit! In fact, it has been exactly four years to the day since I last explored Bowderdale.

Bowderdale is a long north-to-south valley in the northern part of the Howgills. It’s very quiet compared to the Howgills near Sedbergh. It’s also the source of the River Lune, which winds its way north out of the valley, turns sharply west, then gouges its way south where it has carved out the impressive Lune Gorge that now houses the M6 motorway.

I initially fancied a simple hike down the valley bottom. However, the closer to the valley I got, the more I was attacked by a variety of biting flies and insects. I quickly abandoned this idea and retraced my steps back to where the trail connects with the Dales High Way. This would take me up and over West Fell and I would see what I could see of Bowderdale from above.

Turned out to be a good idea! The weather was glorious.

All photos taken on my Fujifilm X-T2 using my Vivitar “Series 1” 29–105mm f2.8–f3.8 zoom lens. Images made 90% in-camera using the Velvia film simulation, finished off in Affinity Photo.

From my car outside Bowderdale village, the scenery was already looking bucolic.

The country lane to Bowderdale village and ultimately Bowderdale itself. The fell in the distance is West Fell (542 m/1,778 ft), which flanks the western side of the valley.

As I was passing through Bowderdale village I could hear some scuffling on the road behind me. I was being followed by a small flock of sheep! I wonder if they were mistaking me for a local farmer or shepherd?

It felt like I was playing a game of Grandma’s Footsteps/Red Light, Green Light/Statues with the sheep. I would turn to look at them, and they’d stop and suddenly find the grass very interesting.

Leaving Bowderdale village, the path climbs up and I catch my first glimpse of Yarlside (639 m/2,096 ft), all the way down Bowderdale.

This was as far as I got on the trail towards the valley bottom, before I was mobbed by biting insects. Time to retrace and look for a different route.

I instead elected for the Dales High Way, which take me up and over West Fell above Bowderdale. Here’s the scene looking back at my progress.

As I near the summit of West Fell, the views west towards Bush Howe above the Langdale valley open up.

On the West Fell ridge, Yarlside comes into view again and the temptation to get a better look proves strong.

Above Yarlside a solitary puffy cloud catches my eye.

Another cloud makes its presence known above Randygill Top.

I neared the eastern edge of West Fell to get a sense of the drop down to Bowderdale.

On the western side of West Fell, East Grain and West Grain join underneath Cobles (534 m/1,751 ft) to become Langdale Beck, which has carved out this beautiful valley.

Looking back north along the shoulder of West Fell to admire the view and track my progress.

It must be noted that this route is probably best tackled in the summer. The trail from the village to West Fell isn’t properly paved, and the fell top shows signs of bogs. This will be a wet and muddy experience in any other season.

Another look west towards Langdale before I crest the summit of West Fell and examine the scene.

The trail drops off West Fell and carries on towards Hazelgill Knott (578 m/1,896 ft) and beyond to the rest of the Howgills. That would be for another day. It was getting awfully hot.

Yarlside in full, which marks the head of Bowderdale. The path at the bottom of Bowderdale skirts around the western flank of Yarlside before dropping down Cautley Spout, one of England’s tallest waterfalls.

I returned to Bowderdale village, and ultimately my car, via the same route, snapping this beautiful bucolic scene.

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Howgills & Yorkshire Dales, Winter

The week leading to these photos and this post has been… frustrating.

The week leading to these photos and this post has been… frustrating.

On Monday my left shoulder grew progressively stiff and painful. By the evening I was in a lot of pain and I ultimately did not get a second of sleep. Looks like I did another one of my favourite Fit-During-My-Sleep-And-Discolate-A-Limb-Whilst-Shredding-Muscles.

So most of this week has been spent fighting pain and keeping the shoulder immobilised. Apart from the constant pain and lack of sleep being exhausting, it’s also boring.

By the weekend, I’d finally got my pain levels under control and was starting to regain movement in my shoulder. Sunday arrived bright and clear, with blue skies promising a beautiful day. Lisabet took us for a drive through Sedbergh and the Yorkshire Dales, occasionally parking up for short walks and photo snaps. I really needed it.

All photos shot on my Fujifilm X-T2 using my Fujinon 23mm f/2.0. Images developed using RNI Films’ Velvia 100F emulation.

One of my favourite views of the Howgills can be shot from the A684, as you crest the hill past Lily Mere. It felt so good to finally see a clear blue sky after all the storms we’ve endured.

Happily there’s a couple of lay-bys alongside this part of the A684 where one can park and snap some glorious photos. Onwards into the Yorkshire Dales.

Beyond Sedbergh and heading further into the Yorkshire Dales, another viewpoint of the Howgills can be obtained, now looking at their southeastern profile. This is a little area known as Tom Croft Hill.

Further into the Yorkshire Dales, closer to Hawes, we stopped off at the small layby near Holme Heads Bridge for a wee jaunt to check out the beautiful Cotter Force. It was lovely to see the waterfall with a decent amount of water flowing through it.

Everywhere we look, signs of spring are arriving.

When you’re in the Yorkshire Dales, you can always count on an abundance of bare stone barns dotted about the land.

We skirted around the town of Hawes and hopped onto Blea Moor Road, which ultimately takes you to Ingleton and back onto the A65. Views of the magnificent fell Ingleborough entice you all the way along the road.

The area around the Ribblehead Viaduct was jammed with cars. Thankfully, we managed to find a small space to park up and snap some photos of this incredible architectural feat, situated underneath the highest peak of the Yorkshire Dales, Whernside.

Whernside’s eastern face, with a smidge of snow still clinging on. Barely a cloud in the sky.

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Howgills, Yorkshire Dales, Summer

It was time to come back to the Howgills.

It was time to come back to the Howgills.

Back in April this year, 2021, Lisabet and I made our first hike up onto the Howgills, summiting Winder (473 m/1,552 ft), the fell that directly overlooks the beautiful Yorkshire Dales town of Sedbergh. It wasn’t hard, during that hike, to gawp at the next fell along the ridge from Winder, namely Arant Haw at 605 m. We vowed to return and tackle Arant Haw.

Today was that day.

The forecast was for clear skies and pushing 20°C, but when we arrived at Sedbergh for around 9am it was relatively chilly and cloudy. As we began our ascent up the Dales High Way up into the Howgills—and the views opened up—it became apparent that the cloud base still hadn’t quite cleared the fell tops. This resulted in amazing light and weather conditions, significantly slowing down our hiking progress (but all for good reason).

After a proper good pull, we managed to summit Arant Haw as well as add on the smaller fell of Crook on the way back down.

What a crackin’ day.

All photos shot on my Fujifilm X-T2 using two of my prime lenses: a Samyang 35mm f/1.2 and a Laowa 9mm f/2.8. Developed with RNI Films’ Kodak Portra 160 profile.

The way marker indicates the Dales High Way, the main trail that takes you up into the Howgills from Sedbergh. The fell on the left is Crook.

This was the kind of light show we were subject to on our way up the Howgills. The cloud base was clinging to the top of the Garsdale and Dent fells, and as the sun was rising they were swirling as they burning off.

Shapely Winder from the Dales High Way. Not our destination for the day.

A fell runner and her anxious dog passed us on their way across Settlebeck Gill and up Crook.

Plenty of lambs and young sheep around the Howgills, warily watching us we disturbed their grazing.

It wasn’t long before we spotted more people heading up the trail behind us. We weren’t in a rush. The light and views were too good to miss.

The view looking up Settlebeck Gill. That little hill in the distance with the trail running over it? That’s our destination: Arant Haw.

Looking down Settlebeck Gill, the light and views just get better and better.

The small Frostrow Fells catching the morning light, whilst the Dent fells recede in shadow. Astounding.

The steep folds of Settlebeck Gill, leading down to Sedbergh and the Barbondale fells beyond.

After reaching the plateau above Settlebeck Gill, our destination becomes immediately obvious: Arant Haw.

Looking back to Winder, morning light scanned across the fells and I waited for it to reach the summit of Winder before snapping this composition.

The view north from the summit of Arant Haw. Good heavens.

The views north from Arant Haw take in a succession of Howgills peaks and valleys, felltops such as Calders (674 m/2,211 ft), Bram Rigg Top (672 m/2,205 ft), The Calf (676 m/2,218 ft, highest point of the Howgills), and White Fell (636 m/2,086 ft). The clouds clung to the felltops as the day brightened

Looking down the gill of Swarth Greaves Beck eastwards. Views for miles and miles.

Just astounding.

The western spur that juts out from Arant Haw gives you an indication of the steepness of the fell’s western face.

Zooming in more, I love this arrangement of horizontal and diagonal lines created by the fells and gills.

Time to head down Arant Haw. The conditions looking back to Winder and Sedbergh were starting to brighten up significantly.

The little knobbly fell to the right is our next destination: Crook. There’s not any “official” path to the fell, but that’s no major bother anyway. The Howgills is all Open Access Land.

Swaledale and Rough Fell sheep enjoy the views towards Garsdale as much as we do, it seems.

Even though Crook is only 450 m high or so, the views from its summit are no less impressive.

From Crook it was even possible to make out the back of Wild Boar Fell in Mallerstang, looking northeast.

Looking back up to Arant Haw from around Crook summit, the light getting brighter and brighter.

It was time to come off the Howgills, Lisabet leading the way ahead. We decided on the Soolbank route off Crook, heading down into Settlebeck Gill.

Once we were alongside the banks of Settlebeck Gill, it was simple enough to follow the gill all the down until you could cross and rejoin the Dales High Way back into Sedbergh.

Settlebeck Gill is an impressive sight. The little people hiking the Dales High Way give an indication of scale.

The way back down into Sedbergh, the fells now free of clouds.

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day hikes Ian Cylkowski day hikes Ian Cylkowski

Sedbergh, Yorkshire Dales, Summer

After Saturday’s hike around Cunswick Fell for some glorious summer scenes, we sought more near the beautiful town of Sedbergh.

After Saturday’s hike around Cunswick Fell for some glorious summer scenes, we sought more near the beautiful town of Sedbergh.

I’ve commented before about the beauty of the Howgills and how Lisabet and I have barely touched them. The comely bumps and folds of these hills will see more of our footsteps in due course. But for this occasion I found a lovely hike that took us up towards the foot of the Howgills, through a couple of farms, and across some incredible wildflower meadows. We then joined the River Rawthey near Buckbank Farm and followed the river all the way back to the town.

A nice 5-mile circular, all in all.

Conditions, light, and scenes could not have been more cooperative for photography. The wildflower meadows beneath the Howgills were glorious.

All photos taken on my Fujifilm X-T2 with my Samyang 35mm f/1.2 lens. Images were made 80% in-camera using a customised Velvia film simulation, with minor edits in Lightroom and Affinity Photo afterwards.

The first of many wildflower meadows above Sedbergh we encountered, with Middleton Fell (609 m/2,000 ft) in the distance.

In the next field a few young bullocks and cows were giving us an inquisitive stare or two. We gingerly navigated around them, giving them plenty of room, but I did manage to fire off one photo.

The views across to Garsdale immediately started to open up. What glorious scenes.

Making our way northeast on the trail towards Ghyll Farm, the fell Crook (461 m/1,513 ft) momentarily darkens under the shade of a passing cloud.

I couldn’t keep my eyes off the sprawling views towards Garsdale. We really do live in a beautiful country.

I spotted this trio of trees with pleasing spacing between them, so I framed up for a composition with Soolbank in the gap.

A field full of buttercups and Knott (429 m/1,407 ft) bulging in the distance. Our destination is the stile over the wall, just to the right of centre.

Just one of many meadows in the foothills of the Howgills, brimming with buttercups. Above, clouds pass over Baugh Fell (678 m/2,224 ft), painting their own shadows onto the hill.

I paused at the top of climbing over the stile to capture this expansive and awe-inspiring view of Baugh Fell and Garsdale, with the characteristic drystone walls of Northern England and a horse grazing for good measure.

Some of the farm houses underneath the Howgills are a good two or three centuries old.

I largely don’t bother with focus stacking anymore. Opened this one all the way to f/1.2, focused on the fell and let the lens do the rest. All the buttercups. This would make a good smartphone wallpaper, actually.

After navigating through Stone Hall Farm we aimed for Buckbank Farm, which would allow us to join the River Rawthey. But not before taking a photo of this frankly ridiculous scene towards two of the southern Howgills, Crook and Knott, with meadows full of buttercups.

Approaching Ellerthwaite Farm, which would lead us to Buckbank and thus the River Rawthey.

Following on from Buckbank Farm we joined the bridleway southwest, which broadly follows the River Rawthey. Our next destination to look out for was Straight Bridge, which we would climb underneath to stay on the bridleway towards Sedbergh.

I always enjoy cows and bulls giving me The Stare…

Cows, trees, the Howgills, and fluffy clouds. A true Northern English summer country scene.

An interesting tree stump provided me with a lovely subject to frame in this composition.

The farm of Scrooge House with its fields of buttercups and the Howgills behind.

After pausing for a spot of packed lunch, we followed the bridleway by the river all the way towards New Bridge.

A rich and vibrant scene of summer colour I spotted by one of the becks that flows into the River Rawthey.

The way back to Sedbergh town. You’ve got to admit, it’s a proper lovely town, isn’t it?

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